
High-level API for accessing data in a daf data set.

These interfaces are intended for daf users (that is, applications built on top of daf). They allows placing any “reasonable” type of data into a DafWriter, while ensuring that accessing data in a DafReader will always return “clean” data. For example, 2D data returned by DafReader is always is_optimal is_frozen MatrixInRows regardless of whatever was put into it.

This is in contrast to the low-level StorageReader and StorageWriter interface which, to simplify writing storage adapters, requires storing “clean” data as above, but does not guarantee anything when accessing the stored data. That is, DafReader and DafWriter satisfy the robustness principle both “up” towards the application and “down” towards the storage format adapters.

Accessing data in daf is based on string names in the following format(s):

  • 0D data is identified by a simple name, e.g. doi_url might be a string describing the overall data set. There is no restriction on the data type of 0D data except that it should be reasonably de/serializable to allow storing it in a disk file.

  • 1D/2D data is specified along some axes, where each axis has a simple name and a string name for each entry along the axis.

  • 1D data along some axis is identified by axis#name, e.g. cell#age might assign an age to every cell in the data set. Such data is returned as a numpy 1D array (that is, Vector) or as a pandas.Series.

  • 2D data along two axes is identifies by rows_axis,columns_axis#name, e.g. cell,gene#UMIs would give the number of unique molecular identifiers (that is, the count of mRNA molecules) for each gene in each cell.

    All such data is provided in ROW_MAJOR order; that is, in the above example, each row will describe a cell, and will contain (consecutively in memory) the UMIs of each gene. Requesting gene,cell#UMIs will return data where each row describes a cell, and will contain (consecutively in memory) its UMIs in each cell.


    Calling .transpose() on 2D data does not modify the memory layout; this is why it is an extremely fast operation. That is, the transpose of cell,gene#UMIs data contains the same rows, columns, and values as gene,cell#UMIs data, but the former will be in COLUMN_MAJOR layout and the latter will be in ROW_MAJOR layout. The two may be “equal” but will not be identical when it comes to performance (for non-trivial data sizes). For example, summing the UMIs of each cell would be much slower for the gene,cell#UMIs data. It is therefore important to keep track of the memory order of any non-trivial 2D data, and ensure operations are applied to the right layout. Otherwise the code will experience extreme slowdowns.

    2D data can be stored in either dense (numpy 2D array) or sparse (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix and scipy.sparse.csc_matrix) formats. Which one you’ll get when accessing the data will depend on what was stored. This allows for efficient storage and processing of large sparse matrices, at the cost of requiring the users to examine the fetched data (e.g. using is_sparse or is_dense) to pick the right code path to process it (since numpy arrays and scipy.sparse matrices don’t really support the same operations).

    You can also request the data as a pandas.DataFrame (that is, Frame), in which case, due to pandas limitations, the data will always be returned in the dense (numpy) format. The index and columns of the frame will be the relevant axis entries.